Tuesday, November 22, 2005


First, no this isn't the censored immigration post. That's still censored, and I'm starting to realize it was a wise choice. Especially considering what I've pondered today: really makes one realize how frustrating the other side can be.

My true complaint for this week (heh, all it seems that I ever do here is complain) is the United States Oath of Allegiance from which I quote.
I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen...

All naturalized candidates for US citizenship must declare this. This means that you give up your citizenship. For me, this would be my Canadian and British citizenship (the former by birth and current passport, the latter by bloodline). Of course, people immediately bring up two points regarding the Canadian citizenship
  • Nothing actually forces you to give up your citizenship.
  • You can just give it up and reapply later with your birth certificate.
Neither work. While it's true that Canadian citizenship revocation requires you to formally file a renouncement in Canada, the fact that you haven't, and/or still take advantage of Canadian citizenship counts as a violation of your oath! While traditionally this is not enforced, they could (and are more likely to in these times) revoke your US citizenship for this. The latter, also not true. If you renounce your Canadian citizenship, it's gone! If you want to get it back, you have to go through the same process any American would, which could be quite time consuming. So, you either have to give up Canadian citizenship for a long time, cheat the system (even if it's implicitly accepted by most), or forego US citizenship.

Sadly, for me the option is obvious. I am Canadian, and I would never give that up. Nor am I inclined to cheat: I've seen what the US does to those without citizenship to guarantee them those pesky 'rights'.

What's the next step down? Green card. Opinion varies as to the difficulty, but even with an advanced degree, you're the second priority down (and I may even end up as the third category!). Plus, it prevents you from ever having TN status (the 'easy' work visa for Canadians) ever again, being the only infinitely renewable work visa. But, say you get it. You have to maintain US residence for 6 months of every year! I'm sure there's loopholes, but it sure doesn't allow for much hedging. Especially with H1B being a 6 year cap.

On the downside, I like permanent things, and it would seem that US status will never be truly permanent for me. Though on the upside, not thinking about US citizenship will open up my path to start on my British (and therefore EU) passport! That will be far more exciting and less stressful.

Trivia: Did you know, that only those born in 1983 or later could receive British citizenship through their mother? If you were born in 1982 or earlier (like me), you could only receive British citizenship through a British father. Oh yeah, and your parents have to be married, or it's no dice.

I'm rambling now, just figured you'd like that.

Night night!

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