Tuesday, January 02, 2007

It's so cold here...

I'm back! My long exile from technology over, returned to the freezing cold that is the Pacific Northwest.

Bali was great. It felt even warmer than Singapore. We were staying in a small villa (pic) in Canggu, a rural village on the coast, a ways Northwest of the tourist hub of Kuta. Very small town, with only (pic, pic) as neighbours. The nearby beach, while not suitable for splashing around, was a popular surfing beach (pic).

While it was mostly just lounging in the pool at the villa, we also got to see a few neat attractions on the island. For example, the monkey forest in Ubud, literally crawling with monkeys (pic), which were very close since they were used to humans. One of the most exciting days was a trip down a river rapids, as we watched the jungle pass us by, as well as a quarter-mile of cliff face intricately being carved in traditional patterns by the locals (sorry, the camera didn't make it to that leg). While the family otherwise was too lazy to join me, I even took it upon myself to learn a bit of surfing at the local surf school (pic).

... and yes, though far away from our homeland, we still had a small taste of Christmas in the tropics (pic).

Overall, the locals were very friendly and eager to please... in some part because they know their mealticket depends on tourists, in part to make the next sale, but also simply because they're friendly. I was reminded many a time that all my Canadian and American friends need to come visit the island, and if you are in the region, I certainly do recommend it.

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