Monday, November 28, 2005

Mike November FAQ

I've been asked the following questions recently about my move and my thesis. Over and over and over again. So, here are the answers, so that it's all answered at once.

Q: When are you leaving for Microsoft?
A: End of December, early January. I've not decided on an exact date, nor where I'll be for New Years. No, I'm not going to be in Singapore for Christmas - I'll likely be in Burlington with by Aunts and Grandma for a couple of days on each side of the 25th.

Q: Will you be finished your thesis by then?
A: No.

Q: So... what are you going to do... about graduating?
A: Change my status to part-time, finish my thesis while working in Seattle.

Q: You're never going to get it finished out there!
A: Well I'm not going to get it finished here, so I don't have much choice do I? Yes, I realize I'll be busy at Microsoft. Yes, I know it'll be hard to stay motivated. I'll just have to tough it out and make it work.

Q: Why don't you push back your start date?
A: It's already pushed back as far as I could manage. At this point, I'm contractually obligated to be there by Jan 16th, and subject to huge penalites if I don't work for at least a year.

Q: What are you doing at Microsoft?
A: I'll be working as a developer on the engine for Microsoft's anti-* (likely antivirus) team.

Q: When will you be back next?
A: Don't know. Likely sometime in the first 6-8 months, I'll come visit Waterloo. Vancouverites can expect visits sooner and more regularly.

Q: What about PhD?
A: I've never planned to do a PhD. I've not yet built enough interest to dedicate 3 more years to it. I could if I wanted, and may consider going back to it later. Yes, I know that isn't all that likely to happen.

Heh, so now you all know.

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